Is eating meat ‘MURDER’?

Babies have to die and Mommas have to cry.
Pathological, unhealthy, and quite convenient for culling the population. Many people will die from it, and it is their own fault.
Many people know better because they people around them that have spent their whole lives studying to find the truth and sacrificed having families and money to do so have told them and they ignore the truth of information.
The Animals will have the ultimate victory as all of these ‘Failures in Evolution’ eat themselves to death.

Cannabis Farmers Grange is Formed.

Modeled after the American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, this Association will be accepting applications at the beginning of the third quarter of 2010.

This group has a powerful and effective program for independent Cannabis Farmers that has no rival, to date.

Working closely in association with existing oversight agencies, the CFG intends to bring the same level of support to contemporary America that was delivered by the beloved American Grange and Order of the Patrons of Husbandry, which played a large role in solving the challenge and crisis of reformation of a war-torn Post Civil war American Nation in the 1800’s.

for more information contact the CFG at the Association’s website.

Haiti Being forced to accept Toxic GMO Seeds from MONSANTO

Monsanto is a POP-CON agent.

Monsanto needs to be dissolved immediately.

Haiti must refuse these seeds, and those who are funding Her reconstruction must refuse to accept the $4million dollar ‘Smallpox laced Blankets’ in the form of ‘HYBRID’ (what a lie) seeds from this dastardly and ANTI-LIFE company called MONSANTO.