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Geeks Do IT Best

Sun, UK – While computer nerds are obviously good at IT, what we didn’t realise is that they’re good at “it” too. An anonymous study of 2,000 British men and women concluded that out of all jobs, computer geeks make the best lovers. They were found to be the most selfless in the sack, the most adventurous and more likely to use love gadgets. Seventy-eight per cent of techies that were questioned also claimed that sex toys were part of their love life. . . Eighty-two per cent of IT workers also claimed to consider their partners sexual needs above there own, the highest result from all of those asked. . . Those participants who worked in the fitness industry were found to be least likely to use sex toys, with just three in ten using them regularly. And they were also found to be the most selfish lovers too. When asked whether they considered their partner’s needs above their own, only 41 per cent said yes, the lowest score of all.


The Maji is a Planetary Ascension being.