Enola Gay

“Enola Gay”
MP4a sound.
now playing:
Musical selection is “Enola Gay”, This Side of Sanity, © 1992 John Toner.
This Side of Sanity
musicians who just don’t fit into a single genre box.
This Side of Sanity is:
• Bill Turner (piano and keyboards)
• Chip (guitar)
• Dave (drums)
• Deryl (bass)
• Gabrielle (lead and backing vocals)
• Gary (drums)
• Jeff (keyboards and backing vocals)
• John (guitar)
• Milo (guitar and percussion)
• Misha> (bass and backing vocals)
This Side of Sanity brought together musicians from widely diverse musical backgrounds to play music without genre borders. It probably isn’t particularly commercial to ignore the limits of radio station formats, but musically it sure is much more satisfying to play whatever we find interesting or fun.