Members of Congress To Introduce Federal Measure To Legalize Cannabis, Regulate Sales
Prosecutors In Colorado And Washington Continue To Dismiss Marijuana Cases
Financial Services Hearing Highlights Feb 29 2012 – Dr. Ron Paul Unmatched Intellect – EndTheFed! – YouTube
2012 Brings Major Change in Global Cannabis Hemp Policy.
Despite the swirling torrent of Dis and Mis Information on the subject, the World’s relationship to a subject that has been taboo for over a hundred years is about to change forever. The reason for the global prohibition on Cannabis and Hemp is a very simple and surprisingly benevolent one. No NOT because smoking pot gives you cancer or makes you sterile or rots your brain, NOR is it because NYLON fiber is better than HEMP. Or that Petroleum based fuels are better then Hemp-based cellulosic ETHANOL. Not because Pharmaceutical synthetic drugs are better than solid (HEMPSEED Based) nutrition and exercise, none of these.
The simple truth is that the human global economy and culture has been tooling up to RUN THE WORLD using this wondrous resource, as predicted by JACK HERER, the man who devoted his life to exploring and publicizing the amazingness of the Cannabis Plant. Prohibition has allowed for the global segregation of the various industrial production possibilities inherent in the plant. As the genetic variations of the plant provide multiple useful products, it follows that it would make sense to structure the system that would deliver this production geographically, so as to maximize the ability to prevent strain degradation by cross pollination between the various strains bred for the various production needs. Now that it is all but over, and the ramp up of the global hemp economy set to begin, this information is important for those who have found their way to this article, and that is the reason that it has been cleared for public knowledge.
Watch as Cannabis Hemp comes into the mainstream, bringing great relief, but NOT only in the goofy way that all of you imagine… It’s much much Larger than that, seriously VERY COOL.
thanks to the group (YOU KNOW WHO YOU ARE) that worked diligently across time and space to bring this forth, we are all eternally grateful.
Stephen Saunders, The Maji
Cured: A Cannabis Story (A Film By David Triplett)
…Cannabis Cures Cancer
Baby Uses Marijuana To Help Fight Cancer!
Breaking News: Cannabis Cures Cancer! 3/12/10
Man Cured of Cancer Applying Hemp Oil (Real Weed) Cannabis
Medical Marijuana – Cures Brain Cancer
Medical Marijuana Stops Spread of Breast Cancer – NBC NEWS
Marijuana Kills Brain Cancer Cells in Humans
THC effects on Tumor Brain Cells vs. Normal Brain Cells
THC (marijuana) Helps Cure Cancer Says Harvard Study
Dr. Raphael Mechoulam discusses medical cannabis: Cancer Cure
Medical Marijuana: Cannabis and Cancer
Marijuana Cure for Cancer!? Marijuana-Weed Info and Clips
Dr. Donald Abrams on Medical Marijuana and Cancer
Most Shocking WikiLeaks Yet! (illegal Cancer Cure=Genocide)–g
Medical Marijuana Cancer Study
Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1
Anti-tumoral action of cannabinoids: Involvement of sustained ceramide accumulation and extracellular signal-regulated kinase activation
Inhibition of tumor angiogenesis by cannabinoids
Cannabinoids selectively inhibit proliferation and induce death of cultured human glioblastoma multiforme cells
A pilot clinical study of 9-tetrahydrocannabinol in patients with recurrent glioblastoma multiforme
Cannabinoids as potential new therapy for the treatment of gliomas
Delta 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits cell cycle progression by downregulation of E2F1 in human glioblastoma multiforme cells.
Expression of cannabinoid receptors and neurotrophins in human gliomas
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol Inhibits Cell Cycle Progression in Human Breast Cancer Cells through Cdc2 Regulation
Anti-tumor activity of plant cannabinoids with
emphasis on the effect of cannabidiol on human breast carcinoma
Antitumor Effects of Cannabidiol, a Nonpsychoactive Cannabinoid, on Human Glioma Cell Lines
The endogenous cannabinoid anandamide inhibits human breast
cancer cell proliferation
Cannabidiol as a novel inhibitor of Id-1 gene expression in aggressive breast cancer cells
Cannabinoids reduce ErbB2-driven breast cancer progression through Akt inhibition
Cannabinoid Receptor as a Novel Target for the Treatment of Prostate Cancer
Anti-proliferative and apoptotic effects of anandamide in human prostatic cancer cell lines: implication of epidermal growth factor receptor down-regulation and ceramide production
The endogenous cannabinoid, anandamide, induces cell death in colorectal carcinoma cells: a possible role for cyclooxygenase 2
Cannabis-induced cytotoxicity in leukemic cell lines: the role of the cannabinoid receptors and the MAPK pathway
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol-induced apoptosis in Jurkat leukemia T cells is regulated by translocation of Bad to mitochondria
Δ9-Tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits epithelial growth factor-induced lung cancer cell migration in vitro as well as its growth and metastasis in vivo
Cannabinoids Induce Apoptosis of Pancreatic Tumor Cells via Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress–Related Genes
Cannabinoids in pancreatic cancer: Correlation with survival and pain
Inhibition of Cancer Cell Invasion by Cannabinoids via Increased Expression of Tissue Inhibitor of Matrix Metalloproteinases-1
Cannabinoids inhibit cellular respiration of human oral cancer cells
The dual effects of delta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol on cholangiocarcinoma cells: anti-invasion activity at low concentration and apoptosis induction at high concentration
Cannabinoid receptor-mediated apoptosis induced by R(+)-methanandamide and Win55,212-2 is associated with ceramide accumulation and p38 activation in mantle cell lymphoma
xpression of cannabinoid receptors type 1 and type 2 in non-Hodgkin lymphoma: Growth inhibition by receptor activation
Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival
Cannabinoids and Cancer
Inhibition of skin tumor growth and angiogenesis in vivo by activation of cannabinoid receptors (specifically section under THC – “Most Recently investigators at the University of California, Pacific Medical Center reported that cannabinoids possess synergistic anti-cancer properties — finding that the administration of a combination of the plant’s constituents is superior to the administration of isolated compounds alone.[13]”)
Cannabidiol enhances the inhibitory effects of Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol on human glioblastoma cell proliferation and survival
Cannabinoids and cancer
Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol induces apoptosis in C6 glioma cells.
Enhancing the in vitro cytotoxic activity of Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol in leukemic cells through a combinatorial approach.
Cannabinoids for Cancer Treatment: Progress and Promise :
Cannabinoid Receptors, CB1 and CB2, as Novel Targets for Inhibition of Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer Growth and Metastasis
A Combined Preclinical Therapy of Cannabinoids and Temozolomide against Glioma
The Levels of the Endocannabinoid Receptor CB2 and Its Ligand 2-Arachidonoylglycerol Are Elevated in Endometrial Carcinoma
Synthetic cannabinoid receptor agonists inhibit tumor growth and metastasis of breast cancer
Potentiation of Cannabinoid-Induced Cytotoxicity in Mantle Cell Lymphoma through Modulation of Ceramide Metabolism
Cannabinoid Receptor Activation Induces Apoptosis through Tumor Necrosis Factor α–Mediated Ceramide De novo Synthesis in Colon Cancer Cells
Breast CancerDelta(9)-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits 17beta-estradiol-induced proliferation and fails to activate androgen and estrogen receptors in MCF7 human breast cancer cells
Colorectal Cancer
The cannabinoid 9-tetrahydrocannabinol inhibits RAS-MAPK and PI3K-AKT survival signalling and induces BAD-mediated apoptosis in colorectal cancer cells
Cannabinoid receptor ligands mediate growth inhibition and cell death in mantle cell lymphoma
Cannabinoid receptors as novel targets for the treatment of melanoma
I’ll say it again about Marijuana Prohibition
I have said it over and over, legalizing HEMP in America ain’t gonna happen. Industrializing the growth of marijuana for medicine in America IS going to happen, and it is for a good reason.
We are growing for the medicine part of the Cannabis pie for the world. China and Northern Europe get paper and clothes, south america for fuel, North America for medicine and Africa for food. global segregation of the uses of hemp provides protection from the genetic dilution of the strains that are used for their respective industrial applications.
It is as plain as the nose on your face if you try to find a rationale for the prohibition that goes beyond the little short sighted, greed based motivations of the “truffle-snufflers” who are in charge of making the segregation happen.
Jack herer prohesied that HEMP will run the world and what he says is TRUE! that cannot happen all in one place on the planet!!!
It is common sense…
mark my words.
the Maji
Common Sense….
Thoughts on petroleum oil, hemp fuel, and the agenda of Hemp globalization
Great bit of historical documentation!
All of it very accurate. When I came upon this information as a young man I was shocked that there were very few people who knew this information, and then PISSED because it was as if nobody cared. It did not stop me.
I have spent my whole career studying this issue. Over the years, I have come to a point of view that has been confirmed by some pretty high level intelligence sources.
There’s no oil crisis.
The only crisis will be what to do with it after we quit using it for fuel, because it keeps building up!
The oil industries labor of these many decades was necessary. It is a part of an effort to thwart glaciation cycling, as much of the cause of the glaciation cycling of the planet is due to the seizure of the crust to the mantle that comes from the accrual of biomass in the mineral oil deposits of the crust of the planet.
This task is well in hand and the crust is beginning to unsieze from the mantle as is evidenced by the increase in hwat is known as the Schumann Resonant Frequency. This is the base resonant frequency of the planet and had been holding steady at 7.6 hz, and is now sitting in the range of 11-13hz and climbing.. The planet is starting to behave like a gyroscope rather than behaving like a ‘top’.
So relax, “Slugworth works for Willy Wonka.” and a fantastic plan has been and is still in play, and it involves the struggle of the last several decades and the effort we are all making right now, to set the world up so that it can run with HEMP as a base currency. What Henry Ford and many others including JACK HERER have been saying about Hemp is true. It will run the world. but not without some organization and attention to STRUCTURING these industries!!
The world has been set up to run on HEMP by loosely segregating the industrial use of HEMP globally. The prohibition was required in order to do this.
The fuel is already being made in south America using the sugar cane pyrolysis plants there, as well as building new ones and making ‘e-grass’ plantations.
China will continue to make paper and fabric.
Africa will grow the Hempseeds for food for the world.
America and Canada will be providing the world’s medicine made from Cannabis.
We would not make good neighbors if we all just began growing hemp for all different uses all over the place…. your hempseed production would ruin the genetics of my seedless medicine crop and dilute the potency… there sure would be alot of seeds though!!! You get the point !?
So much to my relief and surprise, there is method to the madness of hemp prohibition, thank god it is coming to its end, it was a horrible tough job, I spent alot of years being angry with humanity for being so ignorant lazy and selfish, and blaming it on the forces that are carrying out this agenda, when really they are not the enemy at all.
Despite the fact that this effort has been and is being made, HEMP is beginning to be sown everywhere for all purposes, and much of it will ebb into the regions of the world that have been set up.
If the efforts of those in charge of circumventing the cycles of glaciation that this planet suffers are failure, it will not matter anyway, we will have to start over again, which is getting pretty old to me, I would like to experience life after glaciation cycling on this planet.
Sam Smith
War is the joint exercise of things we were trained not to do as children.
War is doing things overseas that we would go to prison for at home.
Anyone can start a war. Starting a peace is really hard. Therefore it is much harder to be a peace expert than a war expert.
The media treats war as just another professional sport.
War has rules, which means that we can change the rules.
Murder, rape and slavery still exist. But that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t have banned them. The same is true of war.
Telling a country we won’t negotiate with it until it does what you want is like saying you won’t play a game unless you are allowed to win.
There is no evidence that supporting war, or telling presidents to do so, improves your testosterone level, so Ivy League professors are better advised to stick to tennis.
There is one way to deal with guerilla warfare and that is to resolve the problems that allow it to thrive. The trick is to undermine the violence of the most bitter by dealing honestly with the problems and complaints of the most rational.
Of course, there can be peace with so-called terrorist organizations; it’s just a matter of whether one waits the better part of a century, as the British did in Northern Ireland, or whether you start talking and negotiating now.
Three thousand people is, of course, far too many to die for any reason. But it is also far too weak an argument for the end of democracy.
Peace is a state of reciprocity, of trust, of empirically based confidence that no one is about to do you in. It exists not because of intrinsic goodness or rampant naivete but because of a common, implicit understanding that that it works for everyone.
Implicit in the “what about their violence?” argument is the idea that what we do wrong is excusable because it has been matched by the other side. Of course, the other side sees it the same way so you end up with a perfect stalemate of violence. When I raised a similar argument as a kid, my mother’s response was, “If Johnny were to jump off a cliff, would you jump off a cliff, too?” I never could come up with good answer to that and so eventually had to concede that somebody else’s stupidity was not a good excuse for my own.
From the moment we commence a moral intervention we become a part of the story, and part of the good and evil. We are no longer the innocent bystander but a full participant whose acts will either help or make things worse. Our intentions become irrelevant; they are overwhelmed by the character of our response to them. The morality of the disease is supplanted by the morality of the cure. In fact, every moral act in the face of mental or physical injury carries twin responsibilities: to mend the injury and to avoid replacing it with another
One of the reasons America is in so much trouble is because it happily makes all sorts of compromises in order to get along with large dictatorships such as Russia and China, but thinks it can handle smaller operations like Hamas, North Korea, and Iran by simple obstinacy and belligerence. In other words, it is happy to talk with big terrorists, but not little ones. In fact, most of these small entities – and those who lead them – suffer from extreme inferiority complexes. By threatening war, imposing massive embargos and so forth, America merely feeds the sense of persecution and encourages the least rational reaction. A more sensible approach would be to constantly negotiate with these leaders and edge them towards reasonable participation in world affairs.
Imagine if we had told Israel and Palestine a few years ago that if they would just make nice we would give them enough money to equal Israel’s GDP for one year and Palestine’s for three. Take the time off, go to the Riviera or the Catskills, forget about productivity, and just party on thanks to the American taxpayer. Or if Israel and Palestine wanted to be really sensible, they could have invested in their countries’ future instead. Think how much safer we would be today. . . But where would such a large sum of money come from? Well, all we would have had to have done was to cancel the invasion of Iraq and used the money as a carrot rather than as a bludgeon. For that is just what it has cost us so far. (2007)
The people who built castles and walled cities and moats are all dead now and their efforts at security seem puny and ultimately futile as we visit their unintended monuments to the vanity of human presumption. Like the castle-dwellers behind the moat, we are now spending huge sums to put ourselves inside a prison of our own making. It is unlikely to provide either security for our bodies nor solace for our souls, for we are simply attacking ourselves before others get a chance.
Empires and cultures are not permanent and while thinking about the possibility that ours is collapsing may seem a dismal exercise it is far less so than enduring the dangerous frustrations and failures involved in having one’s contrary myth constantly butt up against reality – like a boozer who insists he is not drunk attempting to drive home. Instead of defending the non-existent, we could turn our energies instead towards devising a new and saner reality.
Places like Harvard and Oxford – and their after-school programs such as the Washington think tanks – teach the few how to control the many and it is impossible to do this without various forms of abuse ranging from sophism to corporate control systems to napalm. It is no accident that a large number of advocates of war – in government and the media – are the products of elite educations where they were taught both the inevitability of their hegemony and the tools with which to enforce it. It will, therefore, be some time before places such as Harvard and the Council on Foreign Relations are seen for what they are: the White Citizens Councils of state violence.
Castro, in his early days, spoke at the UN. But the hotels of New York refused him space. The result: Malcolm X found him a hotel in Harlem and a key early step was taken in the alienation of a man who, with just a little respect and effort, might not have tormented every American president since by refusing to die or fade away. Respect is important because it is a door wide enough for peace to enter. We need to try it more often.